What Is the Difference between an Industry Award and Enterprise Agreement

Industry awards and enterprise agreements are two commonly used terms in the business world. While they may seem similar, they have some key differences that are important to understand. In this article, we will explore what these terms mean and how they differ from one another.

Industry Awards

An industry award is a set of legally binding rules that apply to a particular industry. These rules outline the minimum standards for wages, conditions, and other employment-related matters. They are determined by a panel of experts and are designed to protect the rights and interests of employees in a particular industry.

Industry awards are created and enforced by the government, and they apply to all businesses within the industry, regardless of their size or location. They cover a wide range of industries, including hospitality, retail, and construction.

Some of the benefits of industry awards include:

• Protection of employee rights

• Standardization of wages and conditions across the industry

• Promotion of fair competition

• Reduced disputes between employers and employees

Enterprise Agreements

An enterprise agreement is a legally binding agreement between an employer and a group of employees that outlines the terms and conditions of their employment. It usually covers things like wages, working hours, and leave entitlements, as well as other conditions that are specific to the workplace.

Enterprise agreements are negotiated between employers and employees, or their representatives. They are not enforced by the government, but they are legally binding once they have been approved by the Fair Work Commission.

The benefits of enterprise agreements include:

• Increased flexibility to negotiate terms and conditions

• Tailored conditions specific to the workplace

• Clarity around expectations and responsibilities

• Reduced disputes between employers and employees

Key Differences

While there are some similarities between industry awards and enterprise agreements, there are also some key differences. The main differences are:

• Industry awards are created and enforced by the government, while enterprise agreements are negotiated by employers and employees.

• Industry awards apply to all businesses within the industry, while enterprise agreements only apply to a specific workplace or group of employees.

• Industry awards set the minimum standards for wages and conditions, while enterprise agreements can offer more favorable conditions than the industry award.


In summary, industry awards and enterprise agreements are two different ways of regulating employment-related matters. Industry awards are created and enforced by the government and apply to all businesses within the industry. Enterprise agreements, on the other hand, are agreements negotiated between employers and employees and only apply to a specific workplace or group of employees. Understanding the differences between these two terms is important for both employers and employees in ensuring that their rights and interests are protected.